Bee-hind the Name...

In 2006, I started my very first small business venture called "The Queen Bee".  I specialized in personal wardrobe consulting and sold hand-selected fashion jewelry, accessories and handbags.  I would sell my goods at private events, festivals, trunk shows and vendor boutiques. I really enjoyed running my own business, scheduling my own hours and especially loved helping women feel beautiful. 

Business gradually grew and I made a small name for myself in my community. 

"The Queen Bee" is settling in the hive for now
but may take flight again someday

Then in 2008, I was almost 7 months pregnant and I slowly started to sell off all my inventory to get ready for baby.  My main goal was to focus all my energies into raising my new baby girl and had no intentions of going back to work for at least a little while.

Natalia Rose

When my beautiful daughter, Natalia Rose was born, my life had changed forever. Motherhood was everything I expected and more.  She was an absolute dream.  I loved being a new mommy but the creative entrepreneur in me was already searching for the next project.

Since Natalia was born with a ton of hair, I was on a endless quest to find the cutest hair fashions to match all her darling outfits but I had no luck.  Nothing was quite unique enough or they were poorly made.  When she was about 6 weeks old, I began to custom make all her hair fashions.  By the time it was her first birthday, she had a abundance of ribbons, clippies and headbands that I had made for her. 

I remember frequently getting stopped by admirers and they would ask about her hair adornments but it never dawned on me to make them for other people.

7months old-I made her 1st "Valentine's Day" oufit,
a Pink and Red Rose Onesie Tutu Set
with matching Babydoll Bow Clippy 

Then in October 2009, while I was visiting my sister at work, a co-worker of hers asked me if I could make her some clips and she would buy them.  I was so inspired, I ended up going home that evening and went straight to work.  I made 80 clips for my sister to bring to work the following week. 

I will never forget when my sister called me during her lunch break to inform me that they had all sold like "Hot Cakes!"

Whimsical Hair Fashions & Specialty Gifts

Now when I run into people and they ask me what ever happened to "The Queen Bee" and my response is, she had a baby...."The Princess Rose."

My creative journey...

My life has been so hectic lately trying to be a stay at home mom, a wife, and running a very small flourishing business.  Balancing it all seems to be the real challenge but when I finally get to turn in at night, I lay in the dark and dream of all lovely things that I have created that day and remind myself how blessed I am to be able to do what I love everyday.  It makes all the craziness worthwhile.

In the past few months, The Princess Rose has crossed paths with many opportunities and open doors. I've been wanting to blog about all of these experiences and new ventures with you.  Follow me in my creative journey....